McAfee Finds Security in Automation Anywhere Tools

McAfee Finds Security in Automation Anywhere Tools


Famous for its anti-virus software, McAfee, once run by Intel, spun off to become its own cybersecurity company in 2017. With headquarters in Santa Clara, California and 7,000 employees worldwide, they provide a holistic, automated, open platform and cloud-first approach to security solutions.




When McAfee broke away from Intel, its number of IT workers was reduced but the same amount of work remained, and even increased. To deliver the same quality product and meet business needs, automation tools needed to be implemented.


After researching and analyzing the available RPA tools in the market, as a security company, McAfee wanted to choose a vendor who also made security a high priority. Selecting Automation Anywhere satisfied all security requirements. More than half a year into its RPA program, McAfee’s team of 10 employees are working on automation, developing boards, deployment, and building support models.


• Employee payment processing
• Order Processing creating call off and rebate orders
• Ticket Resolutions in Service Now
• User provisioning in Siebel and Salesforce
• Disc cleanup
• Adding users to security groups and active directory
• Supplier onboarding process


• 2x Greater cost efficiency and better customer experience
• 0 Errors
• 100% Employment engagement


The first bot implemented was for an employee engagement program, something unique to McAfee. Every year, for fun, employees bet on Indian Premier League cricket. It was a manual process to set up the betting, so the team was asked to automate it. Automation Anywhere RPA was used to integrate SharePoint with a database and betting website, triggering a WhatsApp message.

“The major value of RPA is it frees up resources. Employees are motivated working on something new and more challenging rather than doing the same repetitive tasks.” — Vindhya Renukaprasad, Automation Manager

Another process the team automated was for an employee payment process, which, prior to RPA, was a manual process that included having to get 50 country codes for processing. Now, the entire process has been automated and there is no manual work required, saving the company 12 hours each week.

After realizing these first successes with RPA, McAfee is now working with other teams, like HR, Finance and Legal, to get some processes automated in those departments. Company portals, including SAP, have been automated as well as the Salesforce ServiceNow application.

“Utilizing Automation Anywhere RPA helped McAfee increase employee engagement, achieve a better work-life balance, and allow a focus on innovative tasks.” — Vindhya Renukaprasad, Automation Manager

Utilizing Automation Anywhere RPA to automate business processes has helped McAfee increase its overall employee engagement, allowing employees a better work-life balance and more time for a focus on innovative tasks.


McAfee’s two main goals with RPA are to, first, see continued improvement in work quality, and second, cost savings. The company is still early on in the automation journey and wants to continue adding more value to its overall organization by reducing the number of employees having to work on repetitive jobs, deploying them to more strategic work

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